About Us

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The Federation of Africa University Sports / Fédération Africain du Sport Universitaire (FASU) is the governing body of university sport in Africa. FASU is a continental, non-governmental, non-profit organisation and is responsible for the development of sports in African Universities within its jurisdiction by encouraging African governments to develop and promote sporting activities in their various Universities.

Membership of FASU is only for African countries and is open to all national university sports organisations recognised by the highest sport authority of their respective country. FASU has 5 regional associations as North, South, East, West and Central, known as FASU Zones.

The General Assembly is the supreme governing body of FASU with the sole authority to determine and control the general policy of FASU. It ordinarily meets once every two years. The Executive Committee consists of 7 members elected for 4 years by the General Assembly, the Presidents of the FASU Zones and the immediate past president as an ex-official.

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Our Vision

To be the most influential multisport organization in Africa.

Our Mission

To promote sports excellence within the framework of university education for the sustainability of both the body and mind.

Our Objectives

  • Improve the development of sports in African Universities, within its jurisdiction.
  • Encourage African governments to develop and promote sporting activities in their various Universities.
  • Maintain and develop regular communication between the National University Sports Associations/Federations.
  • Organize and co-ordinate the preparation and participation of Africa in the FASU and FISU structures and/or games.
  • Work in close collaboration with FISU, and other continental sports governing bodies with the view of planning, organising and harmonising FASU activities.
  • Encourage research and publications in the area of sports, in collaboration with Research Institutions by disseminating and applying its findings.
  • Encourage women participation in the University sports.
  • Source funds capable of sustaining the objectives and goals of FASU.
  • Pursue FASU’s objectives/goals without any form of discrimination such as political, gender, religion, racial, disability.
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[themesflat_title_section title_font_size=”25px” title_font_weight=”500″ title_line_height=”40px” show_line=”1″ title_color=”#111111″ content_color=”#999999″ title=”We are Africa”]Following the FISU funded research in 2014 and the subsequent roadmap and strategic plan 2015 -2018 laid out by FASU at our general assembly in 2015, one of the identified threats to our development is disunity, and the effect of the Anglo Francophone rivalry. Africa currently has 43 members of FISU, 2nd to Europe at 47 and accounting for 25.3% of the total FISU members. A continent with 27.7% of the world’s countries has the potential to influence global trends if we spoke with one voice.

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